Here is the central page for Dialogue and Interaction themed information. This will serve as a central post for these systems, and will be updated to be current. Info here is the latest version of the info from the per-update devlog posts. To see the development over time, see the other devlog posts.


Infobroker is an exploration based game where the player relies primarily on the collection of information and "dirt" on local warlords to achieve their objectives. Dialogue, naturally, will be a central narrative system for this purpose. Each character will have a 3D portrait that moves and breathes. Assets are generated either with photogrammetry (pictured) or with UMA's character creation system.


Dialogue trees are stored as a Unity SerializableObject which tracks a root DialogueItem. Each DialogueItem has zero to many DialogueConnections with its related option message and the next DialogueItem that should be triggered when the player selects the message to respond with. I build these trees with a custom node-based editor with elements inheriting from Unity's GraphView and Node.

Below is an example of a looping conversation that is made possible through this system.

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